CJ Becker Assessing
Certified Wisconsin Assessor 1

Click on Township to Left to View Assessment Comparison List
State of Wisconsin Laws & Information for Assessing
Call Wis Dept of Revenue-Property Assessment Office-Wausau to verify Assessment Laws 715-842-5885
State Statutes/Laws for Assessment of Property in Wisconsin
Wisconsin Dept of Revenue Assessment Manual (15MB-very large pdf ) -takes long time to download
Publications & Guides from Dept of Revenue Web Site
Agricultural Use Guide for Tax Payers
Ag Use Conversion Penalty ( Converting Ag Land to Residential, Commercial, Manufacturing )
Ag Use Conversion Penalty $$ charged per Acre
Address and Telephone List of Assessors for all Municipalities in State of WI
Are Portable Storage Sheds Taxable? Yes --Click or you can call Dept of Revenue to verify 715-842-5885
Agricultural Use Valuation
*** Assessed at a reduced Ag Use value per Acre for Year 2024 --- This Ag Use value is set by Wis Dept of Revenue for township each year
*** Must be used for Ag Use (tillable or pastured with cattle ) each year to qualify, minimum requirement harvest 1 crop of hay each year. ( not brush cutter )
Ag Forest Valuation
***You may also qualify for Ag Forest 50% of market value (if you have mixed parcel of forest and tillable or pasture and was assessed tillable or pasture in 2004 tax roll).
***If you didn't have any tillable or pasture assessed in the 2004 tax roll, you have to convert 50% of the acerage to pasture or tillable to qualify for Ag Forest.
Forest Valuation
***Forest without ag land on same parcel has to be valued at full value
***Managed Forest Program is taxed per acre according to your contract signup with DNR. *** See Tax rates per acre